
Sandrine Colard

Glean 5, Autumn 2024

Interview by Michelle Mlati

On Brussels’ Green Edge

Brussels is anticipating the grand opening of KANAL-Centre Pompidou, currently set for the autumn of 2025. Michelle Mlati met with the new institution’s Curator-at-large, Sandrine Colard, to discuss her work and focus as a curator.

Just as the sun sets and rises either side of the equator, Sandrine Colard follows an overlapping rather than binary logic in the pursuit of knowledge-making — one of ‘decompartmentalisation’. She weaves her practice between teaching, curating and research, between the US, Europe and Africa, inspired by her Belgian-Congolese heritage and beyond. As the appointed curator-at-large, Colard is fittingly situated to contribute to KANAL-Centre Pompidou’s emergence as a twenty-first century mus (…)

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