The Evil is Practical

Renan Laru-an in conversation with Miljohn Ruperto
For each issue, GLEAN invites a Guest Editor to curate a section of the magazine. We interview them and ask them to invite three writers or artists who have influenced their practice (or who otherwise deserve our attention) to take up space in these pages. This Winter Issue’s Guest Editor, Oscar Murillo, invited researcher and curator Renan Laru-an and artist Miljohn Ruperto to discuss the 2017 experimental documentary Ordinal (SW/NE).
Researcher and curator Renan Laru-an (1989, Berlin/Sultan Kudarat) and artist Miljohn Ruperto (1971, Philippines) discuss the 2017 experimental documentary Ordinal (SW/NE), a collaboration between Ruperto and Minnesota-based director Rini Yun Keagy. The video centers on the life of a young black man named Josiah, victim of an ambiguous infection. As the video progresses, it is unclear whether his ailment stems from malignant supernatural forces or from valley fever, a little-known yet gruesome (…)