
Annoying Readers

Glean 1, Autumn 2023

Text by Els Roelandt

The Artist's Library

Nature Had Its Time

Celebrating books and their writers, editors, publishers, designers and readers, The Artist’s Library is a monthly column on what to read next. For this inaugural edition of GLEAN, Els Roelandt talked to book enthusiasts and creators Lukas De Ryck and Nikolaas Verstraeten about their publication and exhibition ‘Nature Had Its Time’.

‘New Book!’ With Nature Had Its Time, Nikolaas Verstraeten and Lukas De Ryck collaborate to bring forth both a book and an exhibition. Though these two endeavours are inextricably intertwined, it appears that the creation of the book takes precedence over the exhibition. Verstraeten and De Ryck are, after all, bibliophiles, and as they put it, ‘reading a book so easily tricks you into making one.’ N&L: ‘Let’s say the exhibition was more of a book launch, which very much had to do w (…)

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