
Freedom of Movement

Glean 1, Autumn 2023

Text by Tamara Beheydt

Studio Visit

Melissa Gordon

The studio is a special place for any artist but in Melissa Gordon’s practice it is influential on several levels. Not only does she attach great importance to the place where she works today, in her work she revisits her past studios and those of other artists. Her current studio, on the ground floor of her Brussels residence, is in the process of being renovated. Nevertheless, that is where we find her, working on her solo exhibition at Kunsthall Oslo and her contribution to the tenth edition of the Contour Biennial of Moving Images 1.

Gordon originally hails from Massachusetts in the US. After completing residencies at De Ateliers in Amsterdam and WIELS in Brussels, she moved to London, where she worked on her PhD at Kingston University between 2015 and 2020. She subsequently returned to Belgium to settle more permanently. ‘When I had a studio near Brussels South train station, people were always dropping by: friends, other artists … It surprises me that I still receive so many visitors since moving my studio to where I l (…)

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