
Everyone can teach and we all have something to learn

Glean 1, Autumn 2023

Interview by Kathleen Weyts

Guest Editor

In conversation with Hamedine Kane

Hamedine Kane lives and works between Brussels and Dakar. Through his practice he frequents borders, not as signs and factors of impossibility, but as places of passage and transformation, as a central element in the conception of itinerant identity. He uses words and images to highlight the notions of exile, wandering and movement but also to replace ‘political time’ with ‘living time’. GLEAN invited Kane to contribute to this issue as a Guest Editor, inviting two writers and introducing the work of a fellow artist. Kathleen Weyts interviewed him on the eve of the opening of the Kaunas Biennial in Lithuania.

Hamedine Kane’s practice bustles. He has spent the summer in Senegal, working on a new project. As we speak, he has just finished installing his work at the Kaunas Biennial, after which he will present installations in Riga and Ljubljana. At the beginning of September, he will travel to Rome to start his residency at Villa Medici.

KW: You’ve been working like crazy.

HK: Yes, and the new installation is huge, I even installed a small cinema. But I’m very pleased with the result.

KW: When (…)

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